Mastologist. Doctor at the Oncoclínicas Group. Leader of Mastology at the Hospital da Mulher SP.
MD, PhD. President of SBOC (Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology). Professor and Researcher at UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais). Founder and current Director of Planning of the Brazilian Group of Gynecological Tumors, EVA. Director of International Relations of GBECAM (Brazilian Group of Breast Cancer Studies). Coordinator of Gynecological Oncology at LACOG (Latin American Cooperative Group of Oncology). Oncologist at DOM and OC Mulher Oncoclínicas. Post-doctorate at Harvard University.
Full Member of the Brazilian Academy of Mastology. Director of the Mastology Service of the CAM/Oncoclínicas Group - Salvador/BA. President of the Brazilian Society of Mastology.
Master in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Goiás. Mastologist from the DASA Network - Hospital Brasília. Mastologist from EBSERH - Cora UFG: Advanced Breast Diagnosis Center.
Post-doctorate and PhD from Unicamp. Mastology from Unicamp and FEMME Campinas Science.
Nutritionist, CNPq Postdoctoral Fellow, PhD in Health Sciences (FM-UFG), and Master’s in Nutrition and Health (FANUT-UFG). Specialist in Comprehensive Maternal and Child Health Care (HC/UFG). Professor of Nutrition at Centro Universitário Salgado de Oliveira (Goiânia) and the Telehealth Center of Goiás (UFG). Her research focuses on maternal and child health, breast cancer, lifestyle, and body composition, with extensive experience in teaching and academic advising.
PhD in Health Sciences. Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Goiás. Vice-President of SBM - Goiás Region.
Human Resources Management. Clinical Research and Development. CORA - Advanced Breast Diagnostic Center - Hospital das Clínicas - UFG. Law student at UniEvangélica - Evangelical University of Goiás, with a degree in Technology in Human Resources Management, completed in 2022.
Master in Health Sciences (Faculty of Medicine/UFG) and Specialist in Occupational Health (Faculty of Nursing/UFG). Bachelor's degree and teaching degree in Nursing from FEN/UFG. Currently Nurse Navigator of the ITABERAÍ Project.
President of the Brazilian Society of Mastology, Federal District - SBM/DF. Master's degree in Women's Health Sciences from the Foundation for Teaching and Research in Health Sciences - FEPECS/DF. Training in Oncoplasty and Breast Reconstruction from the Brazilian Society of Mastology - SBM. Specialization title in Mastology from the Brazilian Society of Mastology - TEMA - SBM. Mastologist at the Oncoclínicas Group and the Kora network. Mastologist at the Health Department of the Federal District.
Professor and Ph.D. in Mastology Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics Federal University of Goiás
Radio-oncologist at the Araujo Jorge Cancer Hospital, Institute of Mastology and Oncology (IMO) and Cebrom Oncoclinicas in Goiânia. PhD and Master's degrees from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). Member of the current Board of Directors of the Brazilian Society of Radiotherapy. Co-founder of the WEEM-Woman Engagement for Equity in Medicine group.
MD, PhD Board Certified Mastologist Araujo Jorge Cancer Hospital Albert Einstein Israeli Hospital President of the Department of Oncoplastic Surgery of the Brazilian Society of Mastology
Clinical Oncologist at Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz, in São Paulo. Master in molecular oncology. Coordinator of the Palliative Care Committee of the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology. President of the Scientific Council of FEMAMA.
Clinical Oncologist at Hospital Brasília. Head of Oncology Research and National Leader in Breast Cancer - DASA Oncologia. Post-doctorate at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School.
Mastologist. Master's and PhD from the Federal University of Goiás. Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at UFG. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences. Treasurer of SBM for the 2023-2025 term.
Clinical oncologist at CEBROM - Oncoclinicas Group and HC - UFG. Master's degree in clinical oncology. Full professor at the UFG School of Medicine.
Full professor at the Faculty of Medicine of UFG. President of the Brazilian Breast Cancer Research Network – REBRACAM.
Clinical oncologist at CEBROM - Oncoclinicas Group and HC - UFG. Master's degree in clinical oncology. Full professor at the UFG School of Medicine.